
Craig Wesley

Craig Wesley

Executive Director

Keri Amlotte

Head of Outreach & Strategic Programming

Mia Azpeitia

Director of Operations
Stephanie Coate

Stephanie Coate

Manager of Client Engagement
Delaney Keating

Delaney Keating

Director of Entrepreneurship & Commercialization
Ellen Miller

Ellen Miller

Manager of Marketing & Communications
Stephen Morrison

Stephen Morrison

Community Lead
Maria Purvis

Maria Purvis

Manager of Events & Special Programs
Peter Scott

Peter Scott

Entrepreneur in Residence
Shiloh Slomsky

Shiloh Slomsky

Chief Financial Officer & Tribal Liaison
Wes Sovis

Wes Sovis

Manager of Development
Erin Srebinski

Erin Srebinski

Manager of Startup Education
Gretchen Swanson

Gretchen Swanson

Director of Talent
Cameron Young

Cameron Young

Manager of Startup Capital
Annie Zimmerman

Annie Zimmerman

Manager of Financial & Compliance

Board of Directors

Lowell Gruman, Chair

Managing Partner, Boomerang Catapult
Greg Luyt

Greg Luyt

Attorney at Bowerman, Ford, Clulo & Luyt
Janie McNabb

Janie McNabb

CEO, Networks Northwest
Eric Roberts

Eric Roberts

Board Member
Ashley Sloat

Ashley Sloat

President & Director of Patent Strategy, Aurora Consulting
Rebecca Teahen

Rebecca Teahen

Financial Advisor, Baird