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20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

A Little Networking at Beer30s!Raise a glass to our amazing 20Fathoms community at our reinstated Beer30s!  We'll be hosting the events at our space, with RSVPs required.  Members of the public and the 20Fathoms community...


Funding Your Dream: Who is Northern Michigan Angels?

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

Meet Traverse City’s angel investors.This event will introduce you to Northern Michigan Angels, a group of investors who focus on scalable entrepreneurial companies whose potential success will have an economic and quality of life impact...



20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

A Little Networking at Beer30s!Raise a glass to our amazing 20Fathoms community at our reinstated Beer30s!  We'll be hosting the events at our space, with RSVPs required.  Members of the public and the 20Fathoms community...


5 Gestures of Trust

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

A presentation from the Better Business Bureau West Michigan.How do you build trust within your organization and with customers? It is a key question for all businesses and nonprofits. In this presentation, we’ll look at...


Top 5 Things to Do Now to Grow Sales

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

Actionable sales activities that your team can implement today.You’ve got the right sales team, culture, and strategy. Now learn new sales tactics that you can start using right away and see more success.This sales training...


Organize the Chaos in Your Brain

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

Learn how to work more effectively.Do you get overwhelmed thinking about your “to-do” list, needing a superhuman act to actually get it all done? Energy spent in one area is energy taken from another area....


Understanding Investor Term Sheets: SAFEs, Notes, and Equity Financing

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

This presentation will focus on the material terms for early-stage financing from both the founders’ and the investors’ perspectives.Our panel of experts from Varnum and Northern Michigan Angels will discuss the various options and emerging...



20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

A Little Networking at Beer30s!Join us as we raise a glass to our tech community in Northern Michigan! Beer30s are a relaxed way to meet some new people, chat about tech (our personal favorite subject),...



20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

A Little Networking at Beer30s!Join us as we raise a glass to our tech community in Northern Michigan! Beer30s are a relaxed way to meet some new people, chat about tech (our personal favorite subject),...



20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

A Little Networking at Beer30s!Join us as we raise a glass to our tech community in Northern Michigan! Beer30s are a relaxed way to meet some new people, chat about tech (our personal favorite subject),...


20Fathoms Tour

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

Tour the 20Fathoms office during Northern Michigan Startup Week.20Fathoms is the home of technology and entrepreneurship in Northern Michigan. During Northern Michigan Startup Week we're offering daily tours of our coworking space and startup incubator....


20Fathoms Tour

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

Tour the 20Fathoms office during Northern Michigan Startup Week.20Fathoms is the home of technology and entrepreneurship in Northern Michigan. During Northern Michigan Startup Week we're offering daily tours of our coworking space and startup incubator....


20Fathoms Tour

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

Tour the 20Fathoms office during Northern Michigan Startup Week.20Fathoms is the home of technology and entrepreneurship in Northern Michigan. During Northern Michigan Startup Week we're offering daily tours of our coworking space and startup incubator....


20Fathoms Tour

20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

Tour the 20Fathoms office during Northern Michigan Startup Week.20Fathoms is the home of technology and entrepreneurship in Northern Michigan. During Northern Michigan Startup Week we're offering daily tours of our coworking space and startup incubator....



20Fathoms 10850 E. Traverse Hwy, Ste. 4400, Traverse City, MI, United States

A Little Networking at Beer30s!Join us as we raise a glass to our tech community in Northern Michigan! Beer30s are a relaxed way to meet some new people, chat about tech (our personal favorite subject),...
